Sunday, September 9, 2012


Most helpful lesson learned so far: check your shoes for giant spiders after leaving them outside the tent all night.

It had to be one of the biggest freaking spiders I've ever seen and it had the egg sac thing on its butt. I had to scream for one of the boys in a tent near us to come save me. Of course he tried to put it on me and then he had to go show all of his friends because boys are weird. Then he set it on a big ant hill and I guess was hoping they would battle to the death. Boys are weird.

The festival has been absolutely so much fun! It's just a giant party for four days straight and I've seen some very interesting things/people. It's rained since Thursday and today is Sunday and it's actually been a gorgeous warm day so everyone is down on the beach. They have the big inflatable things to play on in the water and I'm really bummed I never went out there.

During the day when the festival isn't going on they have a lot of stuff down on the beach. They have djs playing at two different stages and good and drinks everywhere. On Friday we were down dancing at one of the stages and it just started pouring down rain. I had the best time dancing in the mud and rain! We met some girls from Scotland that were living in london so we hung out with them a bunch. Everyone at this festival is from England.

We were sitting on the beach hanging out when this guy came and sat by us. He was trying to hide that he was doing some type of drugs. When I told him I was from Texas he just went off on how much he hates Americans and all this bs. I got so mad because he was being such a jerk. Like I'm not saying oh I hate you because of where you're from. Strangely that's happened a lot from more English people than I would have expected. It's really annoying how many times that's happened now.

There was a group of guys next to us that broke three or four tents in like two days. One tripped and almost impaled his neck on some part of his tent. They were hilarious. They just kept doing beer bongs the whole time. I think everyone was well annoyed with them by the end because they were a bit obnoxious.

The actual festival took place in an abandoned fort and was so cool! They had stages in a moat, in the fort, in dungeons and in the harbor area. The music was all dub step and reggae and like drum and bass type stuff. I'm sure Bianca got annoyed because I would be like oh what's this I like this all the time. One of the walls on the fort was on fire and the fire would get bigger depending on the music. It was awesome!

Bianca just slept all during the day which was annoying because I wanted to go out and play. I finally just started leaving her which always ended in trouble because no one was there to watch me so I drank a lot of beer.

Since it rained so much our shoes got absolutely disgusting that I just left them at the campsite when we left. Poor toms.

There was one night that was just not a fan of me. I fell all in the mud and then we were standing under a tent to get out of the rain, they had a wood beam holding up part of it so it didn't collect all the water. This guy jumped up to hit the tent and the beam fell and hit me right in the head. It was rough.

We danced so much that my whole body is still sore and in pain. We stayed camping an extra day because Bianca couldn't be bothered to get up and move ever. It's really been annoying with her because she never wants to do anything but sleep and she doesn't listen to anything I say. We finally left the campsite and we were going to catch a bus to Zagreb but I was looking at flights to anywhere and they were all seriously expensive except for one from pula to Oslo. So now on Friday I am flying up to Oslo for five or six days and I get to meet my dads cousin that lives there.

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